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Kicking and Knives

Just outside the western reaches of the Crab-claw markets, Borgut finds himself set upon by a raising of the dead caused by the Necroquake. If he ever hopes to make his way into the markets to get supplies for the trip into the Big Blue, he must first beat back this uprising, and defend the machines that only part-way through their construction.

Age of Sigmar: Meeting Engagements

Kicking and Knives is played using the Meeting Engagement rules found in the Generals Handbook 2019 found in pages 72-75.

The Armies

One player plays as Borgut's newly forged squad and the other plays as a Death army of any flavour.​ Borgut's player is the Blue player, the Death army is the Red.


The players roll off, they then alternate setting up units one at a time, starting with the player that won the roll-off.
The red player sets up units from their spearhead contingent, and the blue player sets up units from their rearguard contingent. Continue to set up units until both players have set up their first contingents.


The remaining contingents will arrive (as Borgut calls more to him and more of the dead rise up) during the battle as indicated on the map.


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Glorious Victory

The battle ends at the end of the fourth battle round. If one player has 1-4 more victory points than their opponent, they win a minor victory.

If one player has 5 or more victory points than their opponent, they win a major victory. Any other result is a draw.

Victory Points

Victory points are scored for:


  • At the end of each battle round, each player adds up the Wounds characteristics of all enemy models that were slain during that battle round. The player with the higher total scores 2 victory points. If neither player has a higher total, each player scores 1 victory point.

  • At the end of each battle round, the player that controls the most objectives scores 3 victory points. If both players control an equal number of objectives, each player scores 1 victory point.

Spoils of War

If the victor won a major victory, they can choose one ability from the Regiments of Renown tables, and one upgrade or non-crafted consumable.


If they won a minor victory they can choose a single ability from any of the tables.


The loser can roll for an ability after choosing a specific table to roll on.


Designed and dreamt up by Keegan. 

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I do not make any claims to any art on the site in any way. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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