Abilities and Regiments of Renown
Regiments of Renown
Amid the constant battles that rage across the Mortal Realms, certain regiments and warbands distinguish themselves, earning a fearsome reputation for their deadly effectiveness upon the battlefield.
The Great Weave is meant to be played with the Regiments of Renown found on page 28 of the General's Handbook 2019. If you are playing with a NEO, you may be given (and taken away) these at any time in addition to using them in the standard fashion.
Choose an appropriate ability from the tables opposite or below to apply to each famous unit in your narrative battle. For example, if the narrative for a battle refers to a regiment of infantry that has a terrifying reputation, then you might decide to give it the Fearsome Reputation ability from the Juggernaut table.
The ability you pick or roll applies to that unit for the battle, and the same ability cannot be given to a unit more than once. In addition, the Specialist tables have restrictions that apply to them; you can only assign an ability from one of these tables to a unit that conforms to that table’s restrictions.
The following Regiments of Renown tables allow you to include famous regiments of warriors in your narrative battles.
In The Great Weave, you can choose, or roll, for an ability, unless a battleplan dictates which.
Custom Abilities
The Great Weave is played with custom abilities given (and sometimes taken away) by the Weaver. When these are unlocked, you can find details below.
Rat Whisperer
Borgut will do anything to get back to his friend, including meddling in powers he maybe should avoid. After taking a Skaven prisoner following an ambush in the Fusting Desert, Borgut has since put the prisoner to work in developing machines to help them cross the Big Blue, and retrieve Durkol Eye-gouger.
The Rat Whisperer is automatically given to Borgut Facebeater in all standard Age of Sigmar Games (so not Warcry, Warhammer Underworlds, or Silver Tower games), that use him as a General.
Rat Whisperer allows armies to use units with the CLANS SKRYRE keyword, but none that posses the DAEMON keyword. No more then one such unit can have the HERO keyword.
Keeping Skaven so close, even if you are able to control them and set them to work, is tricky business. They seem to have a habit of multiplying if you don't keep an eye on them...
In addition, for each Standard Age of Sigmar game, the point cost percentage for fielding any SKAVEN units must be noted down, for example taking 500 points of SKAVEN units in a 1500 point game would be 33% of the force. In the following game, the player must field at least half of that number, rounding up (so, for the example above, that would be 17%), with units that have the SKAVEN keyword.
If this is impossible to do, i.e. the percentage gets too low, field a single SKRYRE ACOLYTES model, as an under-strength unit, for 10 Points.
Key of Night
"The Chosen that carries the Key of Night will lead us to victory above all else. To honour, to glory, and to eternity with victory burnt into our very souls. To follow the Chosen when he calls is to honour the gods, to ignore, is to court death."
If a HERO is a general of an army, and carries the Key of Night, that general may use models with the FLESH-EATER COURTS keyword in their army. These models are not considered to be allies, and so do not take up allies points. They do not gain any additional keywords though.
Key of Blood
"The Key of Blood will bring forth death and gnashing of teeth. Do not touch. Do not use. Do not raise. If this is done, run."
If a HERO is a general of an army, and carries the Key of Blood, it can use the Zombicide ability.
Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that this model will raise the Key of Blood. If you do so, you can summon a single 20-model unit of Zombies to the battlefield and add it to your army. The summoned unit must be set up wholly within 12" of this model and more than 9" from any enemy units.
This unit cannot use The Newly Dead ability.
This unit cannot be healed in any way, nor can models be returned after being slain in any way.
If any model in this unit is not within 24" of the bearer of the Key of Blood at the end of any phase, that model is immediately removed from battle, but not considered slain.