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Artefacts, Upgrades, and Consumables

Woven Artefacts

Throughout The Great Weave you will come into contact with various other artefacts. Some of these you will earn by accomplishing heroic feats or going on Quests, some you will find while on your journey. Below you will find the various artefacts, upgrades, and consumables and the rules that accompany them.


It is always best to tell your opponent what kind of upgrades you have before a game starts, this applies to Artifacts as well as consumables. Be a good person.






The Great Weave is meant to be played with the Woven Artefacts, these work the same as Awakened Artefacts found on page 76 of the Forbidden Power book. These Woven Artefacts will be given to (and sometimes taken away from) you by the NEO if you're playing with one. 

Woven Artefact:


This blade is able to capture the souls that ​die by its fall, giving the user their energies and power over their life after death.


Pick one of the bearer's melee weapons to be the Onyxedge. After each battle, Onyxedge gains a level of power if 3 or more enemy models were slain by attacks made by the bearer.

1st Level

Improve the Rend characteristic of Gheistbane by 1

2nd Level

Add 1 to Gheistbane's Attacks Characteristic

3rd Level

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with Gheistbane is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.

4th Level

Improve the Rend characteristic of Gheistbane by 3 instead of 1

5th Level

Add 3 to Gheistban's Attacks characteristic instead of 1



​Consumables are one-time use upgrades that that disappear once they have been used. Some consumables are much more complicated than your every-day potion and can be crafted by collecting various different consumables in-between games.


When crafting complicated consumables, the original ingredients are used up, and cannot be used in a game.​



Health Potion

Your hero takes a swig from a bottle that holds healing waters taken from an Alarielle-blessed pond in the middle of Ghyran.

Use at the beginning of any phase. Heal D3+1 wounds.


Cannot be used by DAEMONs



Great Potion

Your wizards and alchemists have worked out how to cook up something that heals even the most grevious of wounds. Use with care though!

Use at the beginning of any phase. Heal D6+1 wounds.


If you roll a 6, take D3 damage.


Crafted Consumable:

Elixir of Life

By weaving a spell around the Alarielle-blessed water, you're able to summon up even more healing properties from it's well of power.

Crafted using: 2 Health Potions


Use at the beginning of any phase. Heal D6+2 wounds.


Cannot be used by DAEMONs



Scroll of the Future

When read out loud, the spell contained within this scroll gives the reader unnatural foresight

At the beginning of any phase, the bearer of the Scroll of the Future can declare they are reading the scroll. Immediately after the scroll is read, the user can immediately do one of the following:

  • Cast a single spell in the Hero phase

  • Make a normal move in the Move phase with a unit

  • Shoot with a single unit in the Shooting phase

  • Make a charge move in the Charge phase

  • Make a pile-in action and attack with a single unit in the Combat phase.



Godly Favour

Your warriors are owed a favour by one of the gods, and they call on it in their hour of need

In any phase pick a single unit to receive the Favour. The unit that is picked is considered to be in cover until your next hero phase.



Weavers Woe

The presence of grey plastic on the battlefield doesn't make the Weaver angry with you, just disappointed.

In your hero phase, select an enemy unpainted unit. One friendly painted unit may re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against this unit in either the shooting phase, or the combat phase, but not both.



Godly Payment

You find yourself in the possession of the first part of a deamon's name, and you can call on it to provide protection, but at a cost.

In any phase pick any HERO model to provide Payment, and any unit to be the Protected. 


The HERO suffers D3 wounds

The Protected receive +1 to save rolls until your next hero phase.


Crafted Consumable:

Power of the Gods

You've impressed the gods so much they provide you with their aid in your time of need.

Crafted using: 2 Godly Favours


In any phase pick two units to receive the Power of the Gods. The units that are picked receive +1 to save rolls until your next hero phase.


Upgrades can be assigned to those with the HERO keyword. A HERO can only upgrade once, but you can swap out upgrades for any you own between games. Some upgrade all weapons and some only a selection. Be aware these upgrades work in addition to any Artefacts of Power. Sometimes upgrades can be given to those without the HERO keyword, if this is possible it will be written in the description of the upgrade.​



Spear of Yhorn

This mighty spear is said to have helped carve out mountain passes, made from the bones of a god-beast long dead

Add +"2 range to a maximum of 3" of the bearer's melee weapons.



The Book of the Mountain

The time spent pouring over this lost tome is time well spent, you've learnt the secrets of the mountains, the power of metal and ore flows through you.

Add 1 to casting rolls for the bearer while within 6" of a terrain feature



Obsidian Blade

Woven by pure Obsidian, this blade cuts through all but the toughest armour

Pick one melee weapon before the start of the game. Once per battle add 1 to it's Rend characteristic

Designed and dreamt up by Keegan. 

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