For Frosting
Snikrit Brownfang has found what he was looking for, a trading route in the Flustering Desert. Many moons ago, he had found himself distracted while digging a gnaw-hole through reality, and instead of sneaking into the grand kitchen in the Rim-Citadel of Ytalan, he had found himself just a small distance away in a tent in this very same trading township. Lucky for him, it was here he found the greatest treasures he had ever found, donuts, cakes, and enough frosting to swim in. Of course, he had never told a single soul of his find, until now.
Age of Sigmar
For Frosting is played using standard Age of Sigmar rules, custom Realm Rules, as well as a selected set of rules from the Raids and Ambushes section found in the Generals Handbook 2019.
The Armies
In For Frosting, one player plays a Skaven army, representing Snikrit and his forces. The other plays a Mixed Order army representing those who seek to defend the Trading Route from the attackers.
The Skaven army is the ambusher/attacker, the Order army is the defender.
In addition, the Skaven army has a custom war-machine, with rules included below. We recommend making your own machine, or using either a Doomwheel or a Warp-lightening canon. The game is intended to include as many machines as you can field, but need not if this is impossible.
For Frosting also tells the tale of how Borgut Facebeater escapes his captives, his rules are covered below, and is played by a third player, the Captives.
The defender sets up first. All of their units must be set up within a column set-up, wholly within 3" of the centre line of the battlefield. The Defender also sets up the Captives within this margin.
The Attacker can set up their units anywhere wholly within 12" of either long edge of the battlefield. Units can be deployed on both sides of the defender’s army column if desired.
First Turn
The ambusher has the first turn in the first battle round.
Raids and Ambushes Rules
​Attack! Attack! Attack!:
Speed is of the essence when a raid is launched or an ambush unleashed upon the foe.
Units in the attacker’s army can run and still charge later in their first turn.
Killing Grounds:
The first volley of shots fired in an ambush are the most deadly, as they catch the defenders unprepared.
Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target a defending unit in the first
battle round.
When an attacker launches a raid or unleashes an ambush, it will often catch the enemy by surprise.
In the first battle round, the defender must roll a dice before they attempt to use a command ability, cast a spell, move a unit in the movement phase, shoot with a unit in the shooting phase, or attempt to charge with a unit in the charge phase.
Subtract 1 from the roll if that defending unit is within 18" of any attacking units. On a roll of 3 or less the unit cannot perform that action. On a roll of 4+ it can perform that action.
Realm Rules
For Frosting is played with the following Realmscape Feature:
Every Step a League:
The Flustering Desert is a parched land, the very moisture in one’s body seems to drain away, and every step taken feels like a league marched in full battle-gear.
If a run roll is 6+, or a charge roll is 10+, then you can either say that the unit will not run or charge after all, or you can move the unit but it suffers D3 mortal wounds immediately after the move is completed. Units with the War Machine Keyword are not affected by this rule.
We want Frosting!
Snikrit's primary goal is actually just acquiring enough sweets to keep his clan from killing him off. To represent this, use the following extra rules:
Before set-up begins, the NEO will select a specific objective terrain marker to be The Sweets.
The Sweets has a wounds characteristic of 20, and a save of 4+. It is not affected by rend. It cannot be moved, and it cannot be wounded by magic, nor by missile weapons. It is not treated as an enemy model by the defender’s army, and cannot be attacked or harmed in any way by the defender or the captives.
The attacker can run off with sweets by wounding it. When all 20 wounds are gone, remove the marker.
Borgut Facebeater and his Boyz
Borgut, represented by a single Brute with +3 wounds, is set up by the defender along with a unit of Ardboys.
Immediately after the Skaven army has successfully wounded a single unit in it's Shooting phase, Borgut's Boyz are hit by a stray explosion, and although it partially wounds them, they also find their cages blown apart and are able to escape.
Roll D3 damage on the unit of Ardboys.
At this point, the Captives player must decide what to do next. Will they join The Skaven player in attacking the defenders, or will they help those around them fight for their lives?
Both the Skaven, and the Defender are able to treat Borgut's Boyz as enemy models. The Captive player can treat both the Skaven army, and the Defenders as enemy models.
Any deals struck or decisions made can be changed at any moment, and are not binding in any way.
Glorious Victory
The game ends when The Sweets have lost all of its wounds, and Snikrit makes it out alive by being within 9" of a board edge, or if either army is completely killed.
The Skaven player wins a major victory if all The Sweets have been run off with, and Snikrit makes it out alive.
The Skaven player wins a minor victory if all The Sweets have been run off with, and Snikrit is knocked out in battle (loses all of his wounds)
The defender wins a major victory if it kills off the entire Skaven army.​ Otherwise it loses.
The Captives player wins a major victory if Borgut survives the fight with any number of Ardboys still alive. They win a minor victory if only Borgut survives. They lose if no one survives.
Spoils of War
If a player won a major victory, they can choose one ability, and roll for one ability, from any of the Regiments of Renown tables.
If a player won a minor victory they can choose a single ability from any of the tables.
Everyone else can roll for an ability after choosing a specific table to roll on.