Chaotic Perfume
The Realm of Chaos is endless, and every-shifting. It is a dimension devoid of reason and logic, a sphere of reality unbound by space and time. Though infinite in its expanse, it contains nothing but seething anarchy, a constant and paradoxical landscape in which anything that is imaginable can be brought into being. Hopes, dreams, fears and desires are given fleeting form before mutating into new shapes or fading from existence. Cause and effect twist in upon themselves, creating insane loops and impossible anomalies. Nightmares made real in order to play out endless succession, becoming more and more horrendous with every iteration. In the realm, rationality has no place, and madness reigns supreme.
Yet the Ream of Chaos is not merely the home of the Dark Gods, it is also their battlefield, the arena for the Great Game of supremacy.
Age of Sigmar
Hills made of skulls swept by beneath their brazen feet. His legions, measured in the thousands, swarmed over them as they made their march to war. Blood ran as rivers, with and around the army, powered by the death and warfare of the Mortal Realms. Black mountains stabbed into the air in the far distance to their right, dark smoke rising from a hundred fissures, fires raging across the lands.
And on the air, the smell of perfume.
As the army crested a hill made of shackles and chains, it came to a halt. Skeincarnel looked down into the valley below and snarled. His prey awaited him. A Slaaneshi mouse that he had been hunting for millennia, over and over again. And there she stood, yet again. And he knew the cycle would repeat itself, they would do battle. The death of the two hoards would not matter, only the two generals were of any consequence, they would wage war until only one stood. No warof attrition here, this was a dual.
Chaotic Perfume is played using standard Age of Sigmar rules, as well as custom Realm Rules. I would recommend using matched play rules at any point range 1500 and above.
The Armies
This game should be played using only Deamons, so no mortals, with no Allies. You can use stand-in models if need be.
One player is the Slaanesh player and their opponent is the Khorne player.
The Khorne player can choose from the following to be their general:
The Slaanesh player can choose from the following to be their general:
Infernal Enraptures
The Masque
The players roll off, and the winner decides which territory each side will use. The territories are shown on the map below.
The players then alternate setting up units one at a time, starting with the player that won the roll-off. Units must be set up wholly within their own territory.
Continue to set up units until both players have set up their armies. If one player finishes first, the opposing player sets up the rest of the units in their army, one after another
Daemonic Hordes
At the start of each player's hero phase, they can replace any units from their army that have been destoryed, except their two Generals.
The destroyed unit is replaced with an identical unit that is added to the player's army. It is set up wholly within its own territory and more than 9" from any enemy models. It cannot move in the subsequent movement phase.
Unnatural Resilience
At the start of the Khorne player's hero phase, heal all wounds allcoated to it's General. At the start of the Slaanesh player's hero phase, heal all wounds allocated to it's general.
Glorious Victory
The game ends when either general is slain.
The Slaanesh player wins a major victory if the Khorne general is slain by a wound or mortal wound inflicted by the Slaanesh general.
The Slaanesh player wins a minor victory if the Khorne general is slain by a wound or mortal wound inflicted by any model other then the Slaanesh general.
The Khorne player wins a major victory if the Slaanesh general is slain by a wound or mortal wound inflicted by the Khorne general.
The Khorne player wins a minor victory if the Slaanesh general is slain by a wound or mortal wound inflicted by any model other then the Khorne general.
Spoils of War
If the victor won a major victory, they can choose one ability, and roll for one ability, from any of the Regiments of Renown tables.
If they won a minor victory they can choose a single ability from any of the tables.
The loser can roll for an ability after choosing a specific table to roll on.
Realm Rules
Chaotic Perfume is played with the following Realm Rules
Realmsphere Magic
WIZARDS know the following spell in battles fought in this realm, in addition to any other spells that they know.
Chaotic Sun
The Deamon summons a ball of chaotic energies and sends it hurtling towards their foes.
Chaotic Sun has a casting value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. If the enemy unit consists of one model it suffers 1 mortal wound, if it has two to nine models it suffers D3 mortal wounds, and if it has ten or more models it suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Realm Commands
You can use the following command abilities in battles fought in this realm, in addition to the command abilities that you are normally allowed to use.
Sacrificial Alter
All around you lie oppurtunities to show your loaylty to your patron.
You can use this command ability at the start of your movement phase. If you do so, pick a terrain feature that is within 12" of a friendly HERO and within 3" of another friendly unit, and roll a dice. On a 4+ the terrain feature is set alight as an alter to a god. If a terrain feature is set alight, for the rest of the battle, any unit with models in or on it at the end of their movement phase suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, a model cannot see another model if a straight line drawn from the centre of its base to the centre of the other model’s base passes across this terrain feature.
Realmscape Features
Geysers of Boiling Blood
Scattered across the battlefield are bubbling pools of boiling blood that can erupt into geysers of sanguinary death.
At the start of each of your hero phases, roll a dice. On a 6+, a geyser explodes. If it does so, pick a point on the battlefield and roll a dice for each unit within 6" of that point; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6+ the unit suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.