The Spiral Crux, situated in Chamon, the Realm of Metal, is a place of change and mutation, where rival armies battle across the moving landscape, seeking glory and dominance in the names of their gods and rulers. It is upon these evolving lands that some of the greatest battles during the time of the Necroquake will be fought. Myth and legend abound, all that can be said for certain is that no one involved will ever forget the conflicts that raged.
The Necroquake affected every realm, nowhere was safe. Across the mortal realms the Nighthaunt, and greater horrors still, rose up out of graveyards, known, as well as forgotten. Villages, towns, even whole cities were consumed by armies of the dead, ill-prepared and taken by surprise. A number completely fall, nothing but the dead left to roam the now-empty streets. Many struggle on, having fought off the menaces, but only at great cost.
Now, rumours start to spread across the Mortal Realms. Old crypts, not seen before, out in the open. Empty cities seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Temples and monuments manifesting where there was nothing before. And within these seemingly desolate places, amazing treasures and great artifacts of power reside, apparently there for the taking. With these appearances, immense conflicts are now being fought across the mortal plains, allegiances spring up where there were none before, and rifts open up between long-lasting friendships as factions, great and small, come to grips with the vast swings of power that play across the land.
The lands of Ayadah are no different