The Grund (Duardin for ‘hammer’) is an Arkanaut Ironclad, one of the powerful aether ships of the Kharadron Overlords. The party can make use of its weapons to help in the defence of the ship. Its heavy sky cannon (4 + S Damage, Aetheric, Loud, Two-handed, Range (Long)) is useful against the attacking Tzeentch daemons, but the racks of grudgesettler bombs (Aetheric, Blast (5), Loud, Range (Long)), skymines, and drill launchers (Soulbound, page 112) may have disastrous effects if not used carefully. The crew itself are experienced fighters. There are a dozen armed Duardin on board. Some wield boarding weapons (Skyhooks, Grapnel Launchers, and other basic weapons) while others are armed with Vulcaniser Pistols and Swords of various make. Brokka herself is armed with an Aethermatic Volley Gun, and keeps a Hammer nearby for close combat. It fell at The Fall of the Grund after being heavily damaged by a massive meglofin, later named Fin of Brightspear
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